IBPS Admit Card 2021 Released For Engineer Download Interview Call Letter @ibps.in

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IBPS Interview Admit Card 2021 Released for Analyst Programmer & IT Engineer at the official website of the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS). Check Interview Call Letter Download Link, Instructions for Document Verification Round, and other latest updates here.

Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) Friday released the interview call letter for recruitment of various posts. Candidates who have cleared the exams and are eligible to appear for the interview can download their call letters from the official website. The interview call letter is available at ibps.in. The link to download the IBPS interview call letter will be active till April 22.

The facility of downloading the IBPS Interview Admit Card 2021 will be available from 16 April to 22 April 2021. The candidates can download the admit cards by following the easy steps given below.

How to download IBPS Admit Card 2021?

  1. Visit the official site of IBPS – ibps. in.
  2. Click on the IBPS Interview Call Letter download link available on the home page.
  3. A new page will open on your screen
  4. Key in your login credentials and submit
  5. Your IBPS call letter will be displayed on the screen
  6. Check the details mentioned in the call letter and download
  7. Take a printout of the IBPS interview call letter


Direct Link to Download IBPS Interview Admit Card 2021 👈 click Here


Documents to be Produced:

The candidate appearing for the interview required to bring the call letter along with a photocopy of the candidate’s photo identity (bearing exactly the same name as it appears on the call letter) such as PAN Card/ Passport/ Permanent Driving Licence/ Voter’s Card/ Bank Passbook with photograph/ Photo identity proof issued by a Gazetted Officer/ People’s Representative along with a photograph / Identity Card issued by a recognized college/ university/ Aadhar/ Eaadhar card with a photograph/ Employee ID/ Bar Council ID card should be submitted to the invigilator for verification.

The candidate’s identity will be verified with respect to his/her details on the call letter, in the Attendance List and the requisite documents submitted. If the identity of the candidate is in doubt the candidate may not be allowed to appear for the Examination/ further process of selection including an interview.

Candidates have to produce, in original, the same photo identity proof bearing the name as it appears on the online application form/ call letter and submit a photocopy of the photo identity proof along with the Examination call letter as well as the Further process of selection including interview Call Letter while attending the examination/ further process of selection including skill test and interview respectively, without which they will not be allowed to take up the examination/ further process of selection including the interview.

The IBPS recruitment drive aims at filling up vacancies for various posts including Analyst Programmer (Windows), Analyst Programmer (Frontend), IT Systems Support Engineer, and IT Engineer (Data Centre). The application process for the recruitment had been started on January 16, 2021, and the application window was closed on February 8, 2021. Finally selected candidates will be paid a monthly salary of Rs. 54,126.00.


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