জাতীয় বনদপ্তরে শতাধিক শূন্যপদে কর্মী নিয়োগ, ভারতীয় হলেই আবেদন করতে পারবেন। ছেলে মেয়ে উভয় আবেদন যোগ্য।
UNION PUBLIC SERVICE COMMSSION পক্ষ থেকে বন দপ্তরে Indian Forest Service ১১০ টি শূন পদে নিয়োগ।
পদের নাম ঃ- UPSC Recruitment Indian Forest Service (জাতীয় বনদপ্তরে নিয়োগ)
মোট শূন পদ ঃ- ১১০ এর মতো শূন্য পদ থকবে।
(The number of vacancies to be filled on the results of the examination is expected to be approximately 110. The number of vacancies is liable to alteration. Reservation will be made for candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Classes, Economically Weaker Section and Person with Benchmark Disability Categories in respect of vacancies as may be fixed by the Government.
Note: As per the information received from the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change, two vacancies have been kept reserved for Low Vision category, two vacancies (one backlog vacancy) have been kept reserved for Partially Deaf category and two vacancies (one backlog vacancy) have been kept reserved for Locomotor disability (sub-category : Leprosy cured and Acid attack). However the vacancies indicated are liable to further alteration.)
বয়স সীমা ঃ- ২১ থেকে ৩২ বছর এর মধ্যে বয়স হতে হবে। ১ আগস্ট ২০২১ তারিখ অনুযায়ী। অর্থাৎ প্রার্থী জন্ম ২য় আগস্ট ১৯৮৯ এর আগে নয়, অথাবা ১ লা আগস্ট ২০০০ এর পরেও নয়।
এছাড়া তফসিলি জাতি বা তফসিলী উপজাতির আন্তভুক্ত হলে সর্বাধিক ৫ বছরের ছাড়। এছাড়াও অন্যান্য
অন্যান্য পশ্চাৎপদ শ্রেণীর অন্তর্ভুক্ত প্রার্থীরা ক্ষেত্রে ৩ বছর এর ছাড়।
AGE LIMITS : (a) A candidate must have attained the age of 21 years and must not have attained the age of 32 years on 1st August, 2021, i.e. he must have been born not earlier than 2nd August, 1989 and not later than 1st August, 2000. (b) The upper age limit prescribed above will be relaxable:- (i) upto a maximum of five years if a candidate belongs to a Scheduled Caste or a Scheduled Tribe. (ii) upto a maximum of three years in the case of candidates belonging to Other Backward Classes who are eligible to avail of reservation applicable to such candidates. (iii) upto a maximum of three years in the case of Defence Services personnel disabled in operations during hostilities with any foreign country or in a disturbed area and released as a consequence thereof: (iv) upto a maximum of five years in the case of ex-servicemen including Commissioned Officers and ECOs/SSCOs who have rendered at least five years Military Service as on 1st August, 2021 and have been released; (i) on completion of assignment (including those whose assignment is due to be completed within one year from 1st August, 2021) otherwise than by way of dismissal or discharge on account of misconduct or inefficiency, or (ii) on account of physical disability attributable to Military Service, or (iii) on invalidment. (v) upto a maximum of five years in the case of ECOs/SSCOs who have completed an initial period of assignment of five years of Military Service as on 1st August, 2021 and whose assignment has been extended beyond five years and in whose case the Ministry of Defence issues a certificate that they can apply for civil employment and that they will be released on three month’s notice on selection from the date of receipt of offer of appointment. (vi) up to a maximum of 10 years in the case of Persons with Benchmark Disabilities viz. (a) low vision; (b) Partially deaf; (c) locomotor disability (Sub-category : leprosy cured and acid attack victims only)
শিক্ষাগত যোগ্যতা ঃ-
আবেদনকারী কে অবশ্যই ব্যাচেলার ডিগ্রি পাশ হতে হবে। নীচের দেওয়া শাঁখাই 👇
MINIMUM EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS: A candidate must hold a Bachelor’s degree with at least one of the subjects namely Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science, Botany, Chemistry, Geology, Mathematics, Physics, Statistics and Zoology or a Bachelor’s degree in Agriculture, Forestry or in Engineering of any of Universities incorporated by an Act of the Central or State Legislature in India or other educational institutions established by an Act of Parliament or declared to be deemed as a University under Section 3 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956, or possess an equivalent qualification.
আবেদন পাদ্ধতি ঃ-আবেদন করতে হবে অনলাইনে। আবেদন করা যাবে
https://www.upsconline.nic.in/ ওয়েব সাইট থেকে।
সংশ্লিষ্ট ওয়েবসাইটে নির্দেশিকা অনুসারে অনলাইন আবেদন প্রক্রিয়াটি সম্পূর্ণ করতে হবে।মনে রাখবেন আবেদনটি যেন ত্রুটি মুক্ত হয়, যে কোনও ধরণের ত্রুটির ক্ষেত্রে আবেদনটি বাতিল হতে পারে।
HOW TO APPLY : (a) Candidates are required to apply Online using the link www.upsconline.nic.in for Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination which will act as a screening mechanism for selection of candidates for the Indian Forest Service (Main) Examination. Candidates who wish to apply for Civil Services Examination also, [subject to their satisfying the prescribed eligibility conditions] have to apply once by appropriately indicating in the on-line application form that they intend to appear for both the Indian Forest Service Examination and the Civil Services Examination. Candidates, who will qualify for the Indian Forest Service (Main) Examination, will have to fill in a Detailed Application Form subsequently as per further instructions to be provided to the candidates through the website (www.upsconline.nic.in) of the Commission.
আবেদন ফীঃ- আবেদন ফি হিসাবে লাগবে ১০০শত টাকা। যেটা অনলাইনে পেমেন্ট অথাবা অফলাইন এ পেমেন্ট করতে হবে। আর সমস্ত মহিলা SC/ST/PwBD প্রার্থী দের কোন রকম ফী লাগবে না। বিস্তারিত নীচে দেওয়া হল।
FEE Candidates applying (excepting Female/SC/ST/PwBD candidates who are exempted from payment of fee) for Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination are required to pay a fee of Rs.100/- (Rupees One Hundred only) either by depositing the money in any Branch of SBI by cash, or by using net banking facility of State Bank of India or by using Visa/Master/RuPay Credit/Debit card. Applicants who opt for “Pay by Cash” mode should print the system generated Pay-inslip during part II registration and deposit the fee at the counter of SBI Branch on the next working day only. “Pay by Cash” mode will be deactivated at 23.59 hours of 23.03.2021 i.e. one day before the closing date; however applicants who have generated their Pay-in-Slip before it is deactivated may pay at the counter of SBI Branch during banking hours on the closing date. Such applicants who are unable to pay by cash on the closing i.e. during banking hours at SBI Branch, for reasons whatsoever, even if holding valid pay-in-slip will have no other offline option but to opt for available online Debit/Credit Card or Internet Banking payment mode on the closing date i.e. till 18.00 hours of 24.03.2021. For the applicant in whose case payments details have not been received from the bank, they will be treated as fictitious payment cases and a list of all such applicants shall be made available on the Commission’s website within two weeks after the last 7 day of submission of Online Application.
পরীক্ষা কেন্দ্র ঃ-
প্রতেক রাজ্য বিভিন্ন শহর এ পরীক্ষা কেন্দ্র রয়েছে।
পশ্চিমবঙ্গের মধ্যে পরীক্ষা কেন্দ্র কলকাতা
গুরুত্ব পূর্ণ তারিখ:-24.03.2021 আবেদন এর শেষ তারিখ
আরও বিস্তারিত জানতে PDF ডাউনলোড করুন ঃ- Pdf
অফিসিয়াল ওয়েব সাইট লিঙ্ক- https://www.upsconline.nic.in/