Hamari adhuri kahani lyrics in english-hamari adhuri kahani song lyrics in english
It’s a good idea to listen to songs, so you searched Google today for Hamari adhuri kahani lyrics in english. You might practice this song or sing it to someone around your neck, but you don’t remember the lyrics correctly. Search by typing hamari adhuri kahani song lyrics in english so that you can easily find the songs of hamari adhuri kahani movie and you can see or read the song lines in the state.
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You’ve come to the right place. You can see the lyrics of this song and copy and save it to your phone
So welcome to our website Karmasthan I hope you are well! and you have come today to and search on Google has reached our website, you are going in the right direction you will able to see Hamari adhuri kahani lyrics in english
You Did Not get Hamari adhuri kahani lyrics in english? And if you want to see hamari adhuri kahani song lyrics in english very much, then you Follow all of the information given by me. You can go to this post below and can see the hamari adhuri kahani lyrics
“So don’t wait any longer see Hamari adhuri kahani lyrics in english or hamari adhuri kahani song lyrics in english”

Movie/Album: Hamari Adhuri Kahani (2015 Hindi Flim)
Music By: जीत गांगुली
Lyrics By: रश्मि सिंह, विराग मिश्रा
Performed By: अरिजीत सिंह
The distances that came closer still did not decrease
My story was incomplete
It is not necessary for the sky to land
go meet, go meet
love is true
who doesn’t get
floors, floors
There were colors, there was noor, when you were near
It was like a paradise where
On the sand of time, something like my name
where did you leave writing
Our unfinished story…You just collided with fragrances
Look, where have we come?
Heaven is here, why don’t you see
moon sun is all here
been waiting for you for ages
Thirsty has been sitting here since when
Our unfinished story…This journey of thirst will end
Something that was incomplete will be completed
The sky bowed, the two met where
Everywhere is the soul of union
Dolis are adorned, fragrances are everywhere
God himself came here to read
Our unfinished story…
Download ↪ Hamari Adhuri Kahani Full Movie Download
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